A&R Merchants follows the United Nations Human Rights Council very closely to ensure all of our material is conflict-free. With due diligence, we prohibit the purchasing and sale of conflict materials which are used to benefit any terrorist organization worldwide.
We condemn the abuse of anyone and strive to ensure all of our material is purchased from verifiable sources whom adhere to the regulations set forth by the United Nations Human Rights Council. As a result, A&R Merchants has cut all ties to conflict zones worldwide, specifically in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring regions that have been proven to violate human rights.
The efforts to enforce our conflict-free materials include Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC); Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI); and Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center (TIC.) Additionally, A&R Merchants refuses to conduct any business with those who have been found to have conducted human rights violations or had conducted business with others who had violated human rights violations.
Our main goal is to ensure the health and safety of every person that is involved from step one until the final material is delivered to our clients. A&R Merchants will continue to adhere to international standards of human rights and upholds every one we do business with to the same standard.